
Small shrubs typical of the Mediterranean maquis, characterized by aromatic leaves and showy spring blooms in shades of white and pink.
Suitable for dry and poor soils in full sun, they also have good resistance to low temperatures. Light topping of the plants is recommended in autumn to maintain a compact shape. Available varieties purpureus, Alan Fradd, pulverulentus, monspelliensis, skanbergii.

1 - Cespuglio - Vaso 24 - monspelliensis
2 - Cespuglio - Vaso 24 - pulverulentus
3 - Cespuglio - Vaso 24 - purpureus
4 - Cespuglio - Vaso 24 - purpureus Alan Fradd
5 - Cespuglio - Vaso 24 - skanbergii
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