Rosmarinus officinalis

A well-known Mediterranean scrub shrub with aromatic foliage used in cooking, in the winter months it is covered with small blue flowers. Can be used in various situations, for hedges, ground covers, planters, borders, very well withstands drought, urban environment and marine environment, good frost resistance. Recently reclassified botanically as Salvia rosmarinus . The prostratus form has an expansive, creeping habit and is ideal as ground cover, while the erectus form has an assurgent habit and is suitable for making medium-height hedges.

1 - Cespuglio - Vaso 18 - erectus
2 - Cespuglio - Vaso 18 - prostratus
3 - Cespuglio - Vaso 24 - erectus
4 - Cespuglio - Vaso 24 - prostratus
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