Musa basjoo

Subtropical herbaceous plants with trunk-like stems topped by large oval leaves. To this genus belongs the species Musa x paradisiaca, which produces the edible bananas.
They are grown in pots in a sheltered environment during the colder months, or in the garden in mild areas.
The species Musa basjoo is fairly cold-hardy when protected with mulch and stem cover, losing its foliage in winter that quickly returns in spring. adult plants produce a large pendulous inflorescence that gives rise to inedible bananas. The species Musa x paradisiaca Dwarf Cavendish has small development, with ornamental leaves with purple hues, and produces excellent edible bananas, but only in warmer areas.

1 - Cespuglio - Vaso 23 -
2 - Cespuglio - Vaso 30 -
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